BMW Hypnopolis | 6th Hashtag Sports Awards

BMW Hypnopolis

Jung von Matt SPORTS

The 6th Annual Awards

2x Winner trophy-icon-silver
  • Best Brand Experience or Activation
  • Best Engagement Through Esports & Gaming
2x Nominee ✨
  • Best Esports or Gaming Partnership
  • Best Use of Animation or Motion Graphics


Fortnite-players have a big passion for customising skins, weapons, nearly everything. But there was one thing that they couldn't customise: cars. So instead of creating just another skin collab, BMW created Fortnite's first Car Creator.


How does this represent “Excellence in Engagement”?

Different elements of this activation led to the fact that players spend more time on ”Hypnopolis” than on other creative maps. The map was perceived as a playful experience, not as advertising.

The main reason was that the BMW world was not simply integrated into Fortnite, but the Fortnite culture became part of our activation. Many of the items that players used to design the iX2 referred to the Fortnite universe. For example, the Burger Rims were an analogy to the Fortnite Durr Burger or the Galaxy Paints are based on one of the most popular skin series in the game.

In addition, we have been focusing on the typical Fortnite humour, for example by offering Bavarian pretzel air refresher as an additional design option.

The Car Creator itself was integrated into a storyline narrated by the specially invented BMW Fortnite character ”Julia”. Everything was designed to maximize the fun of the game - to make it a playful and innovative BMW brand experience.


BMW wanted to stage the fully-electric BMW iX2 in a fresh and unseen way. The aim was to reach a young target group with an affinity for both technology and playful design.

Strategy & Execution

Fortnite is one of the most popular games amongst the target-group. Fortnite-players have a big passion for customising skins, weapons, nearly everything. But there was one thing that they couldn’t customise—cars.

Before the world premiere of the BMW iX2, Fortnite players got the chance to customise the fully-electric car in the game. The community could play around with original BMW iX2 car modifications, but also add fantasy items like burger-rims, galaxy-paint and dwarf bombs.

To gain access to the Car Creator players first had to do what every gamer loves most—completing epic quests. Guided by the electric mechanic ”Julia” (BMW’s own Fortnite character) they had to pass three mini games in BMW’s futuristic electronic city ”Hypnopolis.”


  • Jung von Matt SPORTS
  • Jung von Matt AG
  • BMW AG
  • Epic Games
  • SuperAwesome
  • AlphaFlare


Robert Zitzmann
Managing Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Katja Kraus
Managing Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Ronnie Patt
Executive Creative Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Alexander Michaelsen
Executive Creative Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Carl Kuhn
Head of Gaming & Esports
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Vinzent Groitl
Client Service Director
Jung von Matt HAMBURG

Grischa Mentgen
Creative Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Phillip Ciba
Creative Director
Jung von Matt HAMBURG

Lars Grübler
Creative Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Felix Burger
Creative Strategy Director
Jung von Matt HAMBURG

Claire Grobe
Creative Strategy Director
Jung von Matt SPREE

Ralf Bierhenke
Principal Creative Art
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Jens Walz
Senior Art Director
Jung von Matt HAMBURG

Phanpadit Pangnanouvong
Senior Copywriter
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Jonas Bongard
Jung von Matt HAMBURG

Mubarak Nojimudeen
Art Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Timo Karamustafa
Account Director
Jung von Matt SPORTS

David Giesen
Senior Project Manager
Jung von Matt HAMBURG

Christian Burch
Project Manager
Jung von Matt SPORTS

Pia Schörner
Head of Digital Experiential Content, Gaming & BMW Metaverse

Bettina Scheele
Senior Marketing Manager for Esports, Gaming & Metaverse

Florian Hirt
Senior Project Manager for Esports, Gaming & Third Party Metaverse

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Join us for the 6th Annual Hashtag Sports Awards™ on the evening of June 6, 2024 as we celebrate finalists and reveal the winners of this year's awards live during the show.